Monday, July 08, 2002

Fellow Belleekers !! (lettre # 6.4)

** RUMORS !! **

By now, most ALL of us have heard one or more of a
growing number of mindless rumors circulating about
regarding the Pottery !! I will repeat NONE of those,
I have heard, here, as they are mostly malevolent in
a similar fashion to those Computer Virus' that the
Computer Geeks seem intent on distributing !! Let's
exercise our patience and wait for ANY PROPER
announcement that our 'Fearless Leader' wishes to
divulge and disseminate to us !!

NOW, if any of you Belleekers out there have some
'spare' time on your hands and wish to validate the
following excerpt from the New York Times, I would
GREATLY appreciate your research !! And, I KNOW than
MANY of you read the Times Daily !! I QUOTE :

"Somebody hit the delete key, please

What if you died at you computer, mouse in hand, email
unread? Do you still have those images downloaded from
www.hotcha.com? Want your heirs to discover them? Now
you can put a program called "Deadman's Switch" on your
machine. If you don't reset it after a specified time,
it carries out your last instructions, such as deleting
those images, on the assumption that YOU have been
permanently deleted.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com "

The above is a DIRECT quote that came across my E-mail
desk about a week prior !! I have been able to verify
the source, but NOT the Date or ACTUAL Application !!

Another GREAT source of 'Rumor Validation' can be found
at the following Site, the address of which was
GRATIOUSLY provided to me by a WONDERFUL fellow
Belleeker !!


The above Link is maintained by a group dedicated to
the research into and subsequent validation of rumors,
scams, cons, etc., etc., floating around CyberSpace !!
I have found this Site immensely valuable in verifying
the 'claims' made regarding 'potential' Virus threats
and 'GREAT' Giveaways !! Let's face it, Bill Gates is
NOT distributing his fortune to hapless 'Chain Letter'
subscribers !!

NOTE : NEVER DownLoad and Execute a 'Virus' Fix that
you are notified of via E-mail !! This supposed FIX
Virus Manufacturers Site, i.e., like Symantec (Norton),
McAfee, etc., and, IF this is a REAL Virus, they will
have a 'Posting' regarding this threat AND the PROPER
Inoculation !!


Our friend and GREAT Belleek Restorer, has now
published her Cross-Reference to the Belleek
Collectors' Newsletter !! I have modified the
Links on my Site to Link directly to hers !! The
Absolute Link to Gina's X-Ref is :


You may also discouver this X-Ref thru the UK Group's
Site at :


The UK Group has ALSO begun to publish their WONDERFUL
Newsletter on their Site !! It is DEFINITELY worth
reading !! Barnes and Noble would place it on their
ALL Belleekers !!

** SOTHEBY'S 2002 IRISH SALE !! **

UNFORTUNATELY, this years Irish Sale was 'FAIRLY'
DISMAL, to say the least !! Only about ONE HALF the
Lots were sold at Auction !! NOW, a somewhat verified
rumor, or is that an oxymoron, is that ANOTHER Irish
Sale will take place THIS Fall, probably in either
October or November !! I will attempt to keep everyone
informed as more information develops !!

Fortunately, I was the LUCKY recipient of several of
the Auction Items during the Post Auction Hype !! ALSO,
I have already noticed at least a DOZEN of the SOLD
Auction Lots Posted at Auction on E-Bay !!

The COMPLETE Belleek portion of Sotheby's 2002 Irish
Sale has been posted on my Site !! I have ALSO posted
the Millennium (Year 2000) Belleek Suggested Retail
Price Guide !!


If you're NEW to the World of Belleek Collecting or an
'Old Hand' Affectionardo, the 'Host' Columbia Chapter of
Oregon has promised ALL Belleekers a WONDERFUL excursion
to the BEAUTIFUL Pacific Northwest !!

Pat, the Convention's organizer, has recommended that
you plan to either arrive a few days early or schedule
several days following the Convention as the Chapter is
offering some exquisite tours of the Pacific Northwest
and surrounding regions !! Check out the 'brief' tour
synopses at my Site for additional information !!

Complete information, including Registration Forms, can
be located thru the EVENTS Page on my Web Site, address
below, OR directly thru the following Link :


Again, if the above Link is NOT Clickable, simply
EDIT/COPY then EDIT/PASTE it in your Browser and GO !!


I'm arriving on Thursday, 15-Aug-02, and staying at the
Doubletree !! If you're planning on attending, PLEASE
look me up !!

** EGG CUPS !! **

As one of the Post Sotheby's Auction Items I acquired
was an Egg Cup, I JUST couldn't hesitate to compose
this bit !! In some rather extensive research, I was
FINALLY able to discouver the following :

"FROM : Youth's Educator For Home And Society - c1896


EATING EGGS. Eggs that are boiled in the shell should
be placed in an egg cup, the shell broken at one end,
and then eaten from the shell."

I find this quite refreshing in that during the years
I spent on the Continent, we rarely feasted at Breakfast
without the addition of an Egg course, ALWAYS, properly
served up in their own Cups !!

In addition to your Egg Cup, utensils for proper
consumption include a rather small knife, much the same
size as a butter knife, but a bit on the 'heavier' side,
accompanied by the actual dishing implement, the 'Egg'
Spoon !!

The knife is utilized to gently tap around the LARGE end
of your egg shell, thereby exposing a small cap, which
is removed, much like a hat, exposing the edible
interior of your SOFT boiled egg !! The LARGE end
is exposed simply based on the occurrence of the Eggs
Air Chamber occupying that area within the shell !!

The spoon would remind one of a 'salt' spoon based on
the size of the 'bowl' although the handle or 'stem'
would better be described as that of a shrimp or
cocktail fork !! The 'wee' size of the spoon bowl
is, obviously, necessary for entrance into the small
circular top opening of your egg, with the length of
the stem allowing effortless access into the depths
of the shell !!

UNFORTUNATELY, with extreme excesses of today's genetic
engineering affecting BOTH animal and plant products,
the beautiful Egg Cups of yesteryear have fallen by the
wayside as they are JUST physically TOO SMALL for even
our industry classified and sorted SMALL Eggs of
today's market shelves !!

Which brings to mind another classification scheme in
common use today, that of the OLIVE !! But that is


Three Little Egg Cups !!

A Trio of Egg Cups !!

On the left, we see a beautiful example of Royal
Worcester's Chinese or Dragon Ware (c1954), in BONE
China, thus the EXTREME white colouring !! This Item
I JUST recently purchased via E-Bay !!

Next, in the center, we see a RARE example of the
Grass Pattern (1st. Period), complete with ATTACHED
'Drip' Plate, thus the somewhat uniqueness !! This
particular Cup was purchased in the 'secondary' market
following Christies' Belleek Auction of 2000 !!

Lastly, we see a wonderful example of Belleek's Limoges
Decoration (also, 1st. Period) on their Ring Handled
Ivory Ware !! This example was acquired from THIS
Years Sotheby's Irish Sale, but again, on the
'secondary' market !!


Del E. Domke, Belleek Consultant
16142 N.E. 15th. Street
Bellevue, WA 98008-2711

Telephone : 1 (425) 746-6363
Message : 1 (425) 746-6363
FAX : 1 (425) 746-6363
E-mail : delyicious@comcast.net
Web-site : The Beauty and Romance of Irish Belleek (or) :