Saturday, April 20, 2002

Fellow Belleekers !! (lettre # 6.3)


I would like to personally welcome ALL our new Chapter
Presidents !! A JOYOUS WELCOME from myself and ALL
fellow Belleekers who appreciate your undaunted and
stouthearted dedication to your Local Chapter !! And
COPIOUS THANKS to our National Chapter Secretary,
Charlotte, for her updates and distribution of this
list !!

** Distribution Changes !! **

With the advent of the vast majority of our newly
elected Presidents maintaining their own Internet
E-mail Address, I have 'built' a separate, NEW Group
Mailing Name Entity for Presidents ONLY !!

If your name was in my original E-Sec's Mailing Group,
you will be automatically placed in this New Group !!
If, by accident, you receive TWO Newslettres, just
E-mail me and I will REMOVE you from the inappropriate
Group !!

NOT TO WORRY, BOTH Groups will receive the SAME Link
to the SAME Newslettre !!

PLEASE, remember to share my Newslettres with your
fellow Chapter Members !! UNFORTUNATELY, I've NOT
the resources to Post these to everyone, so I DEPEND
on those of you who receive these to share them with
your Belleeker Friends !!

** SOTHEBYS' 2002 IRISH SALE !! **

I was notified by a Belleek Friend several days ago,
and JUST today, received my Catalogue detailing the
spectacular Irish Sale scheduled at Sotheby's' in
Olympia, London on 16-May-2002 !! The FIRST 231 Lots
are TOTALLY Belleek !!

This will DEFINITELY be THE MAJOR Event of 2002 !!
UNFORTUNATELY, with ONLY 231 Lots available, there's
JUST not enough for EVERYONE !! BUT what a FABULOUS
selection in ALL those Lots !!

The following Link will direct you to a preview of ALL
231 Belleek Lots :


If the above Link is 'NOT Clickable', simply EDIT/COPY
then EDIT/PASTE it in your Browser and GO !! BE SURE

NOTE : The above Link DOES NOT produce the Lots in
sequence by Number, but rather in a somewhat 'random'
fashion !! SO, be sure to take note of Lots you are
interested in for later viewing !!

To Preview the ENTIRE Auction, follow the Link below
and Key 'W02913' (That's a 'zero') in the Live Auction
Box =>> Catalogues =>> Sale Number Entry :


If the above is 'NOT Clickable', simply EDIT/COPY and
EDIT/PASTE it into your Browser and GO !!

Hopefully, I will be posting the Sale RESULTS, for
everyone to view, following the Sale's Closing !!
Look for them on my EVENTS Page or SELECTED PRICE
GUIDES Page !!


If you're NEW to the World of Belleek Collecting or an
'Old Hand' Affectionardo, the 'Host' Columbia Chapter
of Oregon has promised ALL Belleekers a WONDERFUL
excursion to the BEAUTIFUL Pacific Northwest !!

Pat, the Convention's organizer, has recommended that
you plan to either arrive a few days early or schedule
several days following the Convention as the Chapter is
offering some exquisite tours of the Pacific Northwest
and surrounding regions !! Check out the 'brief' tour
synopses at my Site for additional information !!

Complete information, including Registration Forms,
can be located thru the EVENTS Page on my Web Site,
address below, OR directly thru the following Link :


Again, if the above Link is 'NOT Clickable', simply
EDIT/COPY then EDIT/PASTE it in your Browser and GO !!


Last Newslettre, I mentioned the Web Site of our Sister
Chapter 'down under' in New Zealand !! If ANY other
Chapters out there have Web Sites and would desire a
Link to them off my B.C.I.S. Chapters and Friends Page,
JUST drop me an E-mail with your Chapter's Name and Web
Site Address !!

I have finished up the Second Phase of my Web Sites
COMPLETE Makeover so if you haven't Browsed thru it
in a while you may desire to spare yourself a moment
for a short excursion when time permits !!


I was awake, alive and working late that nite when I
happened to glance out the dining area doors and to my
TOTAL amazement I found nothing less than the MOST
GORGEOUS snowstorm lightly falling to the ground !!

Evening Snow !!Morning Awakening !!

Beautiful Evening Snow Storm !!

Awakening in the Morn !!

We were greeted with like 6" of SNOW welcoming us into
Spring this year !! Personally, I had thought this was
the proper moment to sow my wildflower seeds and plant
my sunflower and gourd seeds ?? I was, seasonally
incorrect, as we were blessed with the MOST beautiful
snowstorm over nite !! I stayed up watching it till
the EARLY morning hours !!


WOW !! What else can I say, of OVER 10 Acres of
Antiques and things !! The actual Convention Building,
is, I believe like 6 stories tall, with the LARGEST
single room occupying the ENTIRE Second Floor of 13
Plus Acres !! With 9 Isles, and dealers on BOTH sides,
I could traverse the ENTIRE Fair in just short of 5
Hours !! Which I did a TOTAL of FOUR times !! Halfway
thru my FIRST journey on Day One, my poor legs felt
like they would collapse at any moment !! The pain
was excruciating !!

There was something for everyone and EVERY pocketbook,
as I located, what I believe to be the most pricey
item of the Fair, a MINT/Certified # 1 Marvel Comic
Edition for a 'mere' $125,000 !! GREAT READING !!

The Sheraton Hotel is QUITE unique with a picture of
Miss America in EACH room, ALL 1625 of them (rooms,
NOT Miss America's) !! The hallways are adorned with
FULL Body Size Paintings of the Pageant Winners !!

The lobby contains a host of Pageant Gowns, including
the FIRST Pageant Gown of 1921 !! The current Pageant
Scepter and Crown are encased there also !! There is
also a LARGE screen TV playing 24/7 CONTINUOUS shorts
of EVERY Pageant !!

Outside the main entrance is the TACKIEST 3/4 Life Size
Statue of the Pageants Host, Mr. Bert Parks !! He's
holding up the Winner's Crown and reminds me of a
garden statue just waiting for someone to tether their
horse up to !!

In any case, a SPLENDID time, meeting with old friends
and searching out new treasures made it ALL the more
worthwhile !! UNFORTUNATELY, I arrived home COMPLETELY
barren, without a single purchase to my name or a newly
acquired treasure for display !!

Reflecting back on the Boardwalk and the FABULOUS Hots
with sauerkraut, I JUST had to include the following
picture !! NO, this is NOT how we Bank in the Pacific
Northwest !! Although, it WOULD be a GREAT vehicle
for shedding the rain !!

Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile !!

The Oscar Mayer Wiener Wagon !!


Del E. Domke, Belleek Consultant
16142 N.E. 15th. Street
Bellevue, WA 98008-2711

Telephone : 1 (425) 746-6363
Message : 1 (425) 746-6363
FAX : 1 (425) 746-6363
E-mail : delyicious@comcast.net

Web-site : The Beauty and Romance of Irish Belleek (or) :