Sunday, July 27, 1997

Special Edition (newslettre # 1.4)
Dear fellow Belleekers,
Please note my new numbering system !! I.e., year.issue, thus
1.4 reflects my first year at this and 4 is in reference to
issue number four !!
What's up ?? LOTS !! First off, we had a smashing time in
Portland at the First Annual Belleek Collectors' Fair !!
Accolades are extended to the Harlan family for their
diligence and perseverance in organizing this wonderful
event !! I would also like to thank the Columbia Chapter
(Vancouver WA and Portland OR) for their assistance in
setting up the fair. Thanks especially to both Pat and
Bill Holm for their work with the Harlans and just overall
coordination. Following is a list of the dealers present :

Emilie Boyd
25629 Barganga Ct.
Valencia, CA 91355
(805) 259-7377

Liz Stillwell
P.O. Box 1074
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(213) 257-3879

Lady Marion Langham
41A Lower Belgrave Street
London, SW1W OLS

Syd & Carolyn Darlington
1810 160th Ave N. E.
Bellevue, WA 98008
(206) 643-9415

Columbia Chapter of BCIS
Pat Holm - coordinator
2320 S. E. Spyglass Dr.
Vancouver, WA 98683
(503) 254-2458

Old Pump Antiques
P.O. Box 774
San Bruno, CA 94066
(415) 588-4894

Bill & Marlyne Lacy
6874 Capricorn Ln N. E.
Bremerton, WA 98311
(360) 692-8869

Gerry & Diane Hernley
P.O. Box 98
Depot Bay, OR 97341
(541) 765-2221

Eva Flynn
P.O. Box 1011
Carlaburg, WA 98324
(360) 683-7725

Tom & Katie Proteau
4370 Rue Villa N. E.
Bremerton, WA 98310
(360) 377-4984
When we opened the gates to the fair, we had in excess of
200 visitors examining and purchasing one of the finest
assemblies of Belleek presented in a single area ever !!
Personally, I myself, purchased a wonderful old broach
which I am still waiting to arrive at my doorstep as we
all had our various modes of transport and my items came
home with friends.
Items of interest ranged from $15.00 to $5000 so there was
something for everyone !! I was looking at a little doggie
but by mid afternoon he (she) had found a better home.
I did manage to produce a (nice) video of the fair !! For
anyone (or chapter) that would like a copy, it is available
for $15.00. This price includes the cost of a 'premium
grade' VHS format tape, the actual copy onto that tape and
shipping and insurance to your specified address !! The
tape contains over an hour of the fair with introductions
to the participants (dealers) although the majority is
shots of actual sale items !!
Of particular note, at about lunch time Saturday during the
fair, the Columbia chapter surpassed the 100 level in their
membership !! This should be an open challenge to our other
chapters to increase their membership !! As soon as I can
discouver their secret, if I can, I'll pass it on to the
other chapters !! Congratulations Columbia !!
By now all of you attending the convention should have ALL
your materials including passports, airline reservations,
hotel reservations, etc. all confirmed !! If not, don't be
like me and just make your airline reservations like last
week !! Luckily for me, I was able to go thru a 'broker'
and received some quite reasonable fares ??
One bit of late news I can pass on is from Angela Moore, our
beloved President !! The U.K. Chapter notified her that
each of the honourees as well as the U.K. officers and
Belleek pottery personal will be 'rotated' each meal from
table to table such that everyone will have a better chance
of meeting everyone !!
** From your Editor (ME) : **
Since there was a small selection of American Belleek at
the fair, and because I believe that every collection should
have a representative sample of American Belleek (just a
single item will do), I decided to include a picture of a
couple of my pieces !! The penguin (I prefer penquin) on
the left is an example of a Lenox item. This is the rare
atomizer made especially for DeVilbiss !! The atomizer
'bulb' is in the penquin's back and is depressed by a
squeeze of the figure, who's back and wings are cut from
a black felt (!!), with the perfume dispersed out the
beak !! The center figure is one of my computer terminal
screen 'dusters' and the figure on the right is another
Lenox figure although this one is just a simple figure with
no apparent reason for being other than decoration !!
If you haven't noticed, I fancy penquins !! On my trips
North to Alaska and Canada, I continually seek out the
elusive penquin !!
For those of you E-Secretaries, you will receive this
picture as the attachment to the 2nd E-mail !! Snail-
mailers will see it below !!

Penquins !!


Del E. Domke, Belleek Consultant
16142 N.E. 15th. Street
Bellevue, WA 98008-2711

Telephone : 1 (425) 746-6363
Message : 1 (425) 746-6363
FAX : 1 (425) 746-6363
E-mail : delyicious@comcast.net

Web-site : The Beauty and Romance of Irish Belleek (or) :