Program Ad Form/Contract

Belleek Collectors’ International Society Convention April 23-26, 2009

Park Ridge Marriott, Park Ridge, NJ

You are invited to take part in the Convention Program!
Reach Belleek Collectors; old friends and new!


The North Jersey Chapter is authorized to insert an advertisement for:

Name of Group/Individual



Name of Contact Person






City, State, Zip



Telephone Number




Ad Size, Specifications, Cost for Program Booklet 8.5” wide X 11” high:


Color Inside Full Page $200.00

Ad size  7.25” wide X 10” high


Black and White Full Page $100.00

Ad size  7.25” wide X 10” high


Black and White Half Page $75.00

Ad size 7.25” wide X 4.75” high


Black and White Quarter Page $50.00

Ad size 3.25” wide X 4.75” high


Black and White Business Card Size $25.00

Ad size  3.25” wide X 2” high


Place an Ad:    

Email a completed application with an electronic (pdf.) ad or a paper copy
by Jan. 1, 2009 to: or to the address below.



Ads must be paid in full by Jan. 1, 2009 with US money orders or checks
payable to North Jersey Chapter BCIS.  To pay by credit card please call
Pat at 631-665-4680 or provide your credit card information as follows:


I authorize $__________US to be charged for a program ad.


Name on card


Account Number                                                                Expiration Date

Security code on card




Mail to:        North Jersey Chapter BCIS

Patricia Hennessey               38 Woodland Drive               Brightwaters, NY 11718